Sunday, 30 June 2013

Missing the show

The Arab is my partner Al's being ridden by Lydia and the welsh cob is mine being ridden by Al

 Well it was our local show (Silverbirch) today so we had a wander down to do some classes but when we got there we'd missed all the classes we wanted to do as some classes had been cancelled so they'd got through the rest really quickly. Anyway we had bacon buttys and a coffee from the food van and the horses grazed their way across the showground so the day wasn't a total loss, I took the pics on the walk back home.

1 comment:

  1. As a child - more than anything - I wished for a pony....we lived in the country and I could see them in the fields....a friend of mine had one and she was in The Horse of the Year Show....I was a bit green. I had a cat...for catching mice and not allowed in the house....
    Thank you for calling in
    Best wishes


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